A festival concert stage and an audience, only the yellow light from the stage is lighting the environment

Checklist of print products for festival organisers

Festival organiser! - The festival and concert season is already underway and you are still missing supplies to make festivals a success? From us at MEB, you can get almost all the necessary print products from the same place, even on a tight schedule, which means that the procurement list will be reduced considerably and the amount of stress you face will be reduced.

MEB's selections include staff badges, wristbands for participants, advertising prints, banners and other markings for the festival area. Check out our products below and place an order!

Badges and wristbands

Festarialueelle pääsy vaatii kahta tunnistetta; rannekkeet pääsylippujen ostajille sekä kulkuluvat esiintyjille, henkilökunnalle sekä myyjille.
Tunnisteiden tulee olla mahdollisimman selkeitä, sillä kyseessä on tapahtuma, jossa on paljon maksua vältteleviä osallistujia sekä esiintyjien turvallisuus tulee taata varmistamalla, että asiattomat eivät pääse järjestäjille ja esiintyjille varattuihin tiloihin.

Event badges and lanyards

Event badges are necessary for the safety and logistics of the festival. Festival staff must be able to move freely between public and restricted areas in order to maintain the logistics of the event.

Another point is the safety of the event's performers. Security personnel ensure that only the performers and their staff, VIP guests and festival staff, whose trustworthiness is guaranteed by the festival organiser, can enter the restricted areas closed from the public.

Event badges are not only for their intended purpose, but also suitable for unique decoration, for example strengthening the brand. You can place, for example, official elements of festivals, in which case these event passes are also suitable as souvenirs after the event.

MEB's event badges are available in: 

  • 90x60mm size, and can be placed inside a plastic pocket and attached to the chest with a needle
  • 105x85mm or in A6 size, and with plastic pockets that can be attached to a lanyard
  • 85x115mm or A6 size, punched, and attached to a lanyard without a plastic pocket

You can also order event badges for your entire staff, performers and other people at the same time by selecting the option of variable data, for which you need a table file of all persons. The table must contain information in a clear format, such as the name, role, organization or status, and we use the table to place this information to each card accordingly.

When placing an order, you can also send us several files to separate the event passes by design, for example by role and status.

If the event passes are already made, you can also get lanyards and plastic cases from us from their own product pages. The lanyards are available in the standard black color as well as full color printing, which means you can also use the lanyards for branding!

Find out about event passes and access permits as well as lanyards and plastic cases from the buttons below.

Festival event badge for the VIPFestival event badge for the VIP


Wristbands are an excellent way to check the festival audience's right to be there. Just show your wrist and the inspection is over! Wristbands should withstand extreme conditions in the Summer, from scorching sun to heavy rains, and often the participants are there for several days.

festival wristbands are also an excellent way to highlight the brand of the event. You can place festival colors, logos, texts or other images on the wristbands, and the wristband is also suitable as a souvenir, just like the event badge.

MEB wristbands are made of polyester, and are highly resistant to tearing, water and grease. Our wristbands are printed on a sheet with an adhesive surface and can also be printed with variable information, for example different codes, names, etc., and you need a table file for that, where you can see the necessary information per wristband. The size of our bracelet when spread out straight is 265x18mm.

Check out our festival and event wristbands on their product page via the button below and place an order!

An unrolled festival wristbandAn unrolled festival wristband

Markings and advertising of the festival ground

The festival grounds are extensive, so navigation should be as smooth as possible. In addition to the stage, there are enclosures and stands reserved for spectators, shop stalls, toilets and other areas for different purposes, which should be clearly marked to reduce getting lost.

At festivals, you can also advertise vendor stalls and their products, for example, or strengthen the brand of the performers or the festival, for example, by placing logos, names and pictures in different formats around the festival area. 

These can also be placed outside the festival area and also in different locations before they start, for example advertising posters on the streets of cities months before the festival season, urging people to buy tickets.

From Meb, you can get different sized stickers, banners as well as advertising flags and posters cheaply and quickly. 


Fabric banners are perfect for festivals, as they are an opportunity to highlight the brand. Banners are often attached to the stage, either with the name of the festival, logos and colors in accordance with the theme, or with the performers' own elements, if the banners can be easily changed. Banners are also suitable for other locations, such as stalls to advertise their products or to name different areas.

MEB's banners are available in many sizes, ranging from small to large, but you can also order them with a size you define yourself, which you can write in the text fields reserved for it.

The banners are available in several materials, from plastic to fabric and from a smooth surface to a mesh surface. 

Our banners can be attached in different ways, so they are well suited to different situations and structures; Sail rings at the corners or every 40 cm, with strings from the corners or in a flag sleeve.

Check out our banners from the button below and place an order!

A Rock festival's banner in greyA Rock festival's banner in grey
Template by freepik

Posters and advertising posters

Posters are an inexpensive, visible and easy-to-install and take-down way of marking festival areas. MEB's posters withstand different weather conditions and retain their colors well, so they are perfect for public places to show the way.

Advertising posters are perfect for promoting the festival as long as there are tickets for sale. These can be placed in the immediate vicinity of the festival or on city streets, where most of the festival-goers come from.

Posters are available in different sizes and with many different papers and printing techniques. Check out our advertising and standard posters in more detail by clicking the buttons below.

A festival's advertising posterA festival's advertising poster

Floor stickers

If you own a building that hosts events and want to mark permanent areas, such as toilets or entrances, you can order floor stickers from MEB. Floor stickers are great as guides every now and then, especially if it's a larger building, where it's easier to get lost.

Our floor stickers are available in black, red, blue and pink, but you can also order a sticker with your own design and color. There are several sticker sizes, but you can also order them with the size you define yourself.

From MEB, you also get an installation service, so the installation result is accurate and mistakes are not a problem. Our installation service is available in the capital region.

Check out our stickers and installation service using the buttons below and place an order!

Floor stickers for showing directions to the bathroomFloor stickers for showing directions to the bathroom
Template by Graphicsfuel.com

Flying banners

Flying banners are a familiar sight on the beaches, but they are also excellent for festival events. When the parties are outside, the advertising banners blow well in the wind, so their message is clearly conveyed.
Festival's logos, texts and colors can be placed on advertising flags, so that the brand is communicated effectively. Performers and stall sellers can also order their own advertising tickets for their own marketing and advertising purposes.

Advertising flags are available in different models and each model is available in different sizes. Our advertising flags come on their own stands, so you don't have to worry about getting them from different vendors.

Check out our selection of advertising flags and technical information in more detail on their product page by clicking the button below and place an order!

An advertising flag of a Jazz festivalAn advertising flag of a Jazz festival
Template by macrovector on Freepik

In brief

Festival organizers and the various actors participating in them need many different print products, from marketing and advertising materials to access passes. These products include wristbands, event badges, banners, posters, floor stickers and flying flags.

MEB's own installation service is also available for many products, so there is nothing to complain about after the installation and you can have no worries. Reduce the stress of organizing festivals, concerts and events and get all your print products from the same place, at MEB!

Check out our selection on our website and subscribe to our newsletter to receive current news and offers! As an event organizer, you will need print and printed products in the future, so it's worth keeping us close.